AIM Research Company is proud to support the amazing research at Celerion. Check out their virtual lab tour showcasing advanced instrumentation and capabilities including the latest LCJet Model C and v.ARC 3 with DOT in their HRMS/Metabolite Identification lab.
The LCJet releases scientists to automate 48 microplates of fraction collection with automated overnight drying in the footprint of an HPLC stack. Additional flexibility enables users to collect into any vial or tube with industry leading capacity and drying.
The unmatched sensitivity and background rejection of the v.ARC 3 with DOT brings clarity for low DPM studies.
#celerion #hrms #adme #dmpk #biotransformation #drugmetabolism #metaboliteidentification #metID #drugdiscovery
#fractioncollector #radiohplc